Friday 9 March 2018

Student Lead Conferences and K Happenings

Student Lead Conferences:
Student Lead Conferences are coming up! Prior to Spring Break, on the evening of the 23rd and on the 24th from 9:00am to 1:00pm we will be doing Student Lead Conferences. These conferences are not traditional sit-down interviews with the teacher. This is a time for parents and guardians to come into the classroom with their children. The children will lead their adults on a tour through their work and classroom. There will be some direction from the teacher and a "scavenger hunt" sheet will be provided. As there are multiple families in the room at the same time, this is not a time to discuss student progress at length with the teacher. Please keep an eye on the weekly emails from the office for when Conference Manager will be open for bookings.

The students have been working on ocean themed art projects and poems as well as some seasonal art. Have a look at some of the fine motor work below.

Pink Shirt Day:
Kindergarten participated in Pink Shirt Day and had some great discussions regarding what being a good friend and being kinds means to us.

Dr. Seuss:
Kindergarten has been celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday this week by reading his books and working on some Dr. Seuss inspired drawings. While discussing the book "Oh The Places You'll Go" the students discussed some of the places they would like to visit in their lives. Some of the highlights are below:
*"To ride the Polar Express!"
*"To Calloway Park!"
*"To see fireworks!"
*"To Hawaii!"
*"To a big mountain!"
*"To see a remote control tank!"
*"To Edmonton!"

Field Trip:
In May, we will be going on a field trip to Safety City to learn about bike and pedestrian safety. Students are expected to bring their own bike helmets for safety and health reasons. If your child does not have a bike helmet, please let Miss Haines know as soon as possible in order to have time to find appropriate helmets.

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